Delete Your PDF

Interactive Demo for using the Delete Your PDF library.
Crop, Rotate, and OCR your PDF and add it to the table below. Real code will be added to the left side as you make steps.

Code (Python)

Step 1 Install:
pip install delete-your-pdf
Step 2:
result2 = pdfToImagePages(file='AIR OPTIX COLORS TRIAL 6PK.pdf', page_number=1)
Step 3:
result3 = cropRotateImage(file=result2, x=101, y=132, width=471, height=165, rotation_degrees=0, expand_for_rotation=True)
Step 4:
result4 = cropRotateImage(file=result3, x=18, y=70, width=442, height=26, rotation_degrees=0, expand_for_rotation=True)
Step 5:
result5 = cropRotateImage(file=result3, x=13, y=105, width=399, height=52, rotation_degrees=0, expand_for_rotation=True)
Step 6:
result6 = imageToText_Roboflow(file=result4, api_key=ROBOFLOW_API_KEY_HERE)
Step 7:
result7 = imageToText_Roboflow(file=result5, api_key=ROBOFLOW_API_KEY_HERE)

Step 1

Step 2

PDF Page Image

Step 3

PDF Page Image

Step 4

PDF Page Image

Step 5

PDF Page Image

Step 6

PDF Text

    Step 7

    PDF Text

      Output Table

      Step 6Step 7
      8 46566 85552AIR OPTX CLRS DG AT 8.60 14.20 +0.00